Career Profile

Experienced SDE-3 with a proven track record of over 6 years in full-stack development. Skilled in Test-Driven Development, CI/CD implementation, and microservices architecture, I excel in crafting efficient, scalable, and innovative solutions. With expertise in e-commerce platforms and a passion for driving innovation, I have achieved exceptional performance metrics and enhanced user experiences. Proficient in React, Next.js, Django, and React Native, I am committed to delivering high-quality solutions that drive business success.



Dec 2023 - Present
  • Transformed a fast API project into a Test-Driven Development (TDD) project, identifying and resolving over 90 critical bugs.
  • Configured Tox for GitLab pipelines and CI/CD workflows.
  • Led a project for pricing change implementation in offline pet stores for Petco, a US-based company.


Apr 2021 - Nov 2023

Developed a desktop-specific e-commerce website using Next.js.

  • Achieved lighthouse metrics of 99-100 and <500ms page load time.
  • Integrated multiple payment gateways.
  • Implemented PWA for enhanced user experience.

Implemented a custom user journey monitoring system.

  • Monitored user journey in real-time.
  • Sent push notifications and SMS to boost sales.

Migrated from monolithic to microservices architecture.

  • Developed 4 main microservices, 2 service workers, and 3 main servers.
  • Utilized high availability databases (2 master-3 slave) for main servers.

Achieved 0.01% downtime using Docker Swarm.

  • Deployed alpha-beta testing strategies for seamless deployments.
  • Optimized frontend caching for the fastest e-commerce app performance.
  • Achieved API response time under 50ms-100ms.
  • Improved customer satisfaction and retention.


Apr 2020 - Apr 2021

Developed mobile web, iOS, and Android apps using React Native.

  • Reduced development time by 30% by utilizing React Native for cross-platform development.
  • Increased user reach by 40% with apps compatible across multiple devices and platforms.

Transitioned to REST/GraphQL API, reducing server load by 70%.

  • Improved system efficiency, resulting in a 50% reduction in response time.
  • Enhanced scalability and performance, accommodating a 100% increase in user traffic.

Created an Augmented Reality (AR) based browser and native app using MediaPipe for a real-time ring trial store.

  • Pioneered AR technology implementation, resulting in a 50% increase in user engagement.
  • Provided an immersive shopping experience, leading to a 30% increase in sales conversion.

Developed a static image-based trial store for low-end devices.

  • Improved accessibility, reaching users with low-end devices, resulting in a 20% increase in user base.
  • Enhanced user experience, reducing load time by 40% and improving overall performance.


Nov 2018 - Apr 2020

Built a mobile-friendly E-commerce system using Django MVT, integrating multiple payment gateways

  • and a user tracking system.
  • Increased mobile sales by 40%.
  • Reduced cart abandonment rate by 25%.
  • Improved user engagement by 30% and returning customers by 20%.

Developed a robust CRM with customer journey analytics, lead management, product, pricing, order, factory, and raw material management.

  • Increased sales efficiency by 50%.
  • Reduced lead response time by 40%.
  • Improved inventory turnover rate by 15%.

Created an Angular-based app for comparing diamonds in different sizes and settings.

  • Increased user engagement by 25%.
  • Decreased bounce rate by 20%.
  • Improved user satisfaction by 35%.

FullStack Developer-Intern

May 2018 - Nov 2018

Migrated a Fully working E-commerce magento based project to Django framework.