πŸ”₯ ORNAZ: The E-Commerce Revolution is Here! πŸ’―βš‘οΈ Say Goodbye to Slow Websites!
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πŸ”₯ ORNAZ: The E-Commerce Revolution is Here! πŸ’―βš‘οΈ Say Goodbye to Slow Websites!

2024, Apr 27    

πŸš€ Tired of waiting for slow-loading websites? So were we!

That’s why we got obsessed with creating something better at ORNAZ! πŸ’‘ We’ve transformed our e-commerce platform into an ultra-fast, SEO-friendly powerhouse! And the result? A jaw-dropping 100/100 on Lighthouse scores! ⚑️

Surprised? Wait till you hear this - we achieved all this with only 2 amazing developers! 😱

Even giants like Flipkart and Amazon are struggling at 75-80, but we’ve set a new standard! Say goodbye to slow loading times and hello to the future of online shopping! Check it out for yourself! (attachment).

Go and experience it yourself at ORNAZ desktop version.